Saturday 6 September 2014

CANCELLATION OF EXALTATION or UCCHA BHANGA YOGA ( very important topic but most ignored topic by learners)

As we know Neecha Banga yoga  improves the significance of the debilated planet .For example if Saturn  is debilated in Aries which means Saturn is badly placed ,but this bad effect will be reduced if Sun is also placed in same sign(ie Aries) ,and we say Saturn has got Neecha Banga(cancellation of debiliation) but here we are considering only Saturn’s condition but not Sun’s . Here sun is loosing its exalted power to some extent due to debilitation Saturn combination in same sign. Here Sun is in the condition of Uchcha banga yoga which means cancelation of exaltation.
So when any exalted and debilated planets combines in same house then exalted planet get Uchcha banga definitely.
One more example is when Jupiter and  Mars are combined in Cancer, here Jupiter is exalted, Mars is debiliated so generally Astrologers say that your Mars got Neecha banga with Jupiter but they ignore the bad impact on Jupiter due to debilated Mars. People always observe Neecha banga when any planet get debiliated and if it combines with Uchcha(exalted) but never consider about degradation/disturbance to Uchcha planet because of Neecha planet which combines with exalted planet .


  1. I read that the debility of a particular planet in D9 cancels its exaltation in D1. Kindly elucidate

    1. Yes, it cancels the exaltation and vice versa

  2. my qwestion is if saturn in tulaa raasi uchcha and sun in mesha raasi uchcha that is to say sama saptakam7/7
    and since both are enemies what will be the impact on horoscope and future for midhuna langnam

    planetary position
    lagnam midhuna
    tula saturn/vruschikam kuja and kethu/guru in dhanur
    sun moon sukra budha in mesha raasi and rahu in vrushavha raasi
    vakra saturn/ vakra budha/vakra kuja and vakra kethu
    and vakra guru

  3. Sat retro as mentioned so the ucchabhang happened to it. But being well placed and being aspected by the 5L ven is good provided Ve is not combust by Su but even if combust then Su being 3L is good. The aspect relation of Su and Sa being 3L and 9L respectively in 5h seems good for spiritual uplifting provided dasa support. Mo is of amavasya and rules 2h is bit wavy in nature. But the person is very intellectual.

    P.S. Ketu and Rahu are always vakri as that is their normal path so it is not to be mentioned that ketu is vakri

  4. Sir, my question is if venus is exalted and its house lord jupiter is debilitated then is it cancellation of exaltation???

    Planetary position
    GEMINI lagna
    Moon in 4th house, Ketu in 5th house, Saturn retrograde in 6th house, Jupiter debiliated in 8th house, Venus (vargottam)exalted in 10th house, Rahu in 11th house, Mercury (combusted) Sun and Mars in 12th house.

    In Navamsa Jupiter exalted in 9th house
