7th house is the most important house for marriage but there are
other houses also which are important to know more things about your marriage
life in detailed or precise way.
1sthouse(Self): 1st house is
‘7th from 7th house’ (Bavathbavam concept),so its important house
for marriage. 1st house represents your body, how you look, whether you are healthy or not,strengths etc.When you will
marry someone definitely these things are very important along with your career.
So 1sthousetoo plays a very important role in your marriage life.
2nd house(family house): ”Marriage
brings changes in to your family”. Family is represented by 2nd
house in vedic astrology.After marriage women move to husband’s house and enter
in to new family and hence after marriage women get changes inher family.
Similarly for men, wife becomes the part of his family and hence marriage
brings changes to his family.
5th house(love and romance
in marriage life,kids):Marriage is for lot of purpose among those kids is one
of the important purpose. Love, affections, romance etc. between wife and
husband is also controlled by 5th
house thus making it an important house
as well.
7th house(legal bondage,
general house for marriage): General house for marriage from which married life
is predicted.
8th house:8th house
represents In-laws family, sexuallife, longevity of spouse etc. matters which
are again very important part to marriage. In India generally for female In-laws relationship is important especially due to joint family culture which still exist
in some parts of India .Even if 7th house is good,but 8th
house is bad then there might be problems in marriage life.
12th house: Bed pleasures,spouse’s pastaffair
and whether spouse was already married
or not can be predicted.
these are the important houses for marriage after 7th house.
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